
  千葉 慶磨(ちば きょうま)君(20
 At first, I was planning to study abroad and I have wanted to improve especially my speaking skill for a long time.

 I found "Through Life" on the Internet which is near my house and I was so impressed by the philosophy about studying English. So, I have decided to quit my job and go there in order to study English seriously even in Japan.

 I'm embarrassed to say that although I had been studying English at university,I couldn't exchange even simple greetings in English when I talk to Mr. Shiraishi for the first time.

 I have taken private lessons with the teacher because I can study only what I really want to learn with an emphasis on it.

 The first half of my lessons in a year was to relearn English grammar which is on the same level with junior high school students.

 It may look even easy expressions such as conjugation of be-verb, or "-s" used to form the third-person singular in dicative present tense of verbs at first glance, but if you don't always practice speaking these rules consciously, you can't use and speak them quickly. I realized the fact through my own experience.

 At first, I couldn't write it as I like even in Japanese, but later getting the hang of it,finally, I learned to write a long passage. The best thing about this lessons, I think is that I could have learned the present Japanese situation, social issues, culture, and tradition as well as English. Even if I study only English, I will not be able to argue this kind of topic without knowing accurate information of Japan.

 At the same time, I was taking a class with Matt who is a native speaker of English once a month. I can also try using expressions and grammatical constructions I am studying from Mr. Shiraishi through conversation with Matt. When I made myself understood in English, I was really happy. Matt told me that the important thing is I would try to tell you using my present English even if my grammar was not correct or the English vocabulary I wanted to say didn't occur to me. In addition, he told me about the culture of New Zealand, and I could listen to his English pronunciation in person. I had a good time and valuable experience with him because he is so friendly and his story is really interesting.

 最近ようやく自分が言いたいことはある程度瞬時に英語で言えるようになり、海外の人ともメールなどでコミュニケーションが出来るようになりました。途中でなかなか成果が表れずつらい思いもしましたが、今までで一番真剣に英語を勉強した、本当に充実した一年になりました。 また、難しい英語特有の用語も白石先生は丁寧にわかりやすく説明していただき、今まで自分が疑問に感じていたことやあやふやだった知識がより鮮明になり、私のような初心者が独学する際にも非常に役立っています。
 In addition, Mr.Shiraishi's easy explanations of terms unique to English make my vague knowledge clearer than I had before, and it is also very useful when people who are beginners in studying English with grammar books sold at book stores by myself at home.

 What the teacher was always saying is to express things around me in daily life, and think in English anytime. So I was always carrying my electronic dictionary wherever I was , and I looked up English expressions or vocabulary in it as soon as I thought that I wondered what I should say this Japanese expression or action in English. Looking back on this year, I could learn uncountable vocabularies, comparing to what I used to know before year Through Life.

 I decided to aim at English proficiency test at first-grade after I learned the basics of English grammar. The level of the test is really high and I have to give an opinion on social issues logically. Besides, speaking it in English, passing this test is too big a challenge for me, but how to develop an argument is all applied to real conversation and that was just what I really want to practice. Recently, I have finally learned to speak English to same degree through "Through Life" and enjoy conversation with foreigners by using e-mail or the Internet. While taking lessons, I sometimes felt hardship because I couldn't see the improvement of my English soon, but I could have led a full life because this is my first time that I have studied so hard.

 There is no shortcut to improve English. We should learn it step by step .


 千葉 慶磨
